Resinate is brand new –  still screaming its head off in the bright lights of the delivery room new.  I have been a political activist/feminist/advocate for equity and justice for a long time, making it more of a full-time endeavor in the last five years.  But it has caused a lot of emotions, especially ragey ones.  The art for Resinate started as an outlet for those feelings.  As I worked more with resin, I grew to love its playfulness and the potential for creating texture and color.  

You’ll see in Resinate’s catalogue a range of products: cheeky little ornaments and magnets that speak to our less grace-filled selves, rage-filled pieces that hold space for the grief many people are feeling right now, and paintings that explore color and nature.  I think, I hope, that my sense of humor and my values come through, regardless of which type of piece you’re looking at.  

I’m still inching my way along, learning as an artist and a human being…

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